Chinese Grammar: 会 … 的 To express certainty
As Lupishu knows, depending on the sentence, 会 can both mean the ability to do something (can) and the future (will). So he's been wondering. When you're using 会 to talk about something you will be doing, how can you make sure the others know that something will be actually happening, rather than just you saying you could do that? It turns out there's a handy way to show you're sure this will be happening. How do you add this certainty exactly? By using both 会 and 的 in the sentence. Let's see what this is all about.
Frame your sentence with 的
Much like the structure 是 . . . 的, you frame the part of the sentence you want to make a statement on with 会 and 的.
[会 + Statement + 的]
Used together, these two indicate something will surely happen.
你 会 好 的。
You will feel better.
我 一定 会 吸取 你 的 经验 的。
I will learn from your experience.
把 这 事 留给 我 吧 — — 我 一定 会 解决 的。
Leave this matter with me, I will sort it out.
Add extra emphasis with 一定... or take some off
You'll often come across 一定 coming along for the ride. It emphasizes the speaker's certainty regarding the statement. Likewise, the negative 不 can also crop up in the sentence to highlight how unsure the speaker is something will happen.
[ 一定 / 不 + 会 + Statement + 的]
In their own way, both 一定 and 不 add emphasis to the 会... 的 duo.
她 一定 会 来 的。
She will certainly come.
我 一定 会 更加 努力 的!
I will certanly try harder!
下一步 还 不定 会 发生 什么事。
There's no telling what will happen next.
放心 吧 , 我 不会 让 你 失望 的!
Don't worry, I won't let you down.
Ready to go practice using this new structure?
There you go! Another good and grammatically correct reason to end your sentence with a 的!