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我有三本书。I have three books.
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Compounds (6)
orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii); fragrant; fragrance; fragrant thoroughwort (蘭草|兰草 Eupatorium fortunei); lily magnolia (木蘭|木兰)
to bear; to carry; to hold; to continue; to undertake; to take charge; owing to; due to; to receive
Related words (295)
animosity or resentment towards three groups (the bureaucrats, the wealthy, and the police) due to perceived abuse of power
three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
(in former times) upper, middle and lower army; army of right, center and left; (in modern times) the three armed services: Army, Navy and Air Force
"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (his teaching), and the Sangha 僧 (his monastic order)
sanxian, large family of 3-stringed plucked musical instruments, with snakeskin covered wooden soundbox and long neck, used in folk music, opera and Chinese orchestra
to strike out; strikeout (baseball, softball); (Tw) to ditch; to eliminate from consideration
(old) three generations (father, self and sons); three clans (your own, your mother's, your wife's)
(TCM) the three truncal cavities (thoracic, abdominal and pelvic), known as the "triple heater" or "San Jiao"
withdrawal from the Communist Party, the Communist Youth League, and the Young Pioneers of China
three items; three events; three terms; tri-; trinomial, ternary (math.); triathlon (abbr. for 三項全能|三项全能)
the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed to be the coldest days of the year
three periods forming the hottest periods of summer, from mid-July to mid-August, namely: 初伏 (mid-July), 中伏 (late July to early August), 末伏 (mid-August)
triad, Chinese crime gang; triad society, anti-Manchu secret society in Qing-dynasty China
three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o
"three public expenditures" of the PRC government, i.e. air travel, food and entertainment, and public vehicles
"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) and Nine Schools (Confucians, Daoists, Yin-Yang, Legalists, Logicians, Mohists, Political Strategists, Eclectics, Agriculturists); (fig.) people from all trades (often derog.)
three-legged Golden Crow that lives in the sun (in northeast Asian and Chinese mythology); Korean: samjog'o
to kneel three times and kowtow nine times (formal etiquette on meeting the emperor)
(lit.) three humble visits to a thatched cottage; cf famous episode in the fictional Romance of Three Kingdoms 三國演義|三国演义 in which Liu Bei 劉備|刘备 recruits Zhuge Liang 諸葛亮|诸葛亮 (the Hidden Dragon 臥龍|卧龙) to his cause by visiting him three times
three horses at the same trough (idiom, alluding to Sima Yi 司马懿 and his two sons); conspirators under the same roof
three immortal souls and seven mortal forms in Daoism, contrasting the spiritual and carnal side of man
thirty percent failure, seventy percent success, the official PRC verdict on Mao Zedong
thirty eighth parallel; dividing line agreed at Yalta between US and Soviet zones of influence in Korea, now the DMZ between North and South Korea
(bird species of China) Eurasian three-toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus)
third period; tertiary (geological era since the extinction of the dinosaurs at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary 65 million years ago)
sb who is romantically involved with sb already in a committed relationship; the other woman; the other man; third person; third party (in dispute); disinterested party; number three in a list
the three plain colors used for clothing in the PRC in the 1960s: black, gray and blue
dubious; shady; neither one thing nor the other; neither fish nor fowl; nondescript
(lit.) the leather binding (of the bamboo scroll) has broken three times; (fig.) to study diligently
bombardment of Kinmen by PRC forces that started August 23rd 1958, also called second Taiwan strait crisis
the Pan-Pearl river delta (economic zone including the 5 provinces around Guangzhou and Hong Kong)
regardless of the consequences; recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic forecast
the new boss cracks the whip three times; a new broom sweeps clean; (fig.) vigorous new policies
Idioms (49)
(lit.) twice every three days (idiom); almost every day; every other day or so; (very) often; practically every day; every other day; frequently
(lit.) to have three heads and six arms (idiom); (fig.) to possess remarkable abilities; a being of formidable powers
think three times then go (idiom); don't act before you've thought it through carefully
(lit.) to have only nine meals in thirty days (idiom); (fig.) (of a family) on the brink of starvation; in dire straits
the blessing of three lifetimes (idiom); (courteous language) it's my good fortune...
three principles and five virtues (idiom); the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)
(lit.) to offer three kinds of tea and six different dishes; to be extremely considerate towards guests (idiom)
three sevens are twenty-one (idiom); the facts of the matter; the actual situation
(lit.) one strong beat and three weak beats in a measure of music (four beats in the bar) (idiom); fig. scrupulous attention to detail
two-faced, three knives (idiom); double-cross; double dealing and back stabbing
weakening and close to exhaustion (idiom); in terminal decline; on one's last legs
(lit.) say three in the morning but four in the evening (idiom); to change sth that is already settled upon; indecisive; to blow hot and cold
(lit.) a crafty rabbit has three burrows; a sly individual has more than one plan to fall back on (idiom)
to agree on three laws (idiom); three-point covenant; (fig.) preliminary agreement; basic rules
reverberates around the rafters for three days (idiom); fig. sonorous and resounding (esp. of singing voice)
to leave the net open on three sides (idiom); let the caged bird fly; to give one's opponent a way out; lenient treatment
(lit.) to retreat three day's march (idiom); fig. to give way in the face of superior strength; a strategic withdrawal
(lit.) to reply "don't know" whatever the question (idiom); (fig.) absolutely no idea of what's going on; complete ignorance
(lit.) One doesn't visit a temple without a cause. (idiom); (fig.) to visit sb with an ulterior motive (esp. to ask for sth); having a hidden agenda
(lit.) 300 silver taels not hidden here (idiom); fig. to reveal what one intends to hide
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