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to bathe
她一般晚上洗澡。She usually bathes in the evening.
to take a bath
你只要放轻松,洗澡,吃早餐。You just have to relax, take a bath, and eat breakfast.
to wash
她总是用冷水洗澡。She always washes in cold water.他好久没洗澡了,身上都有味儿了。He hadn't washed in days and (his body) was beginning to smell.
to have a bath
洗澡水给你准备好了。Your bath is ready
to take a shower (see 淋浴)
现在我们当中至少60%的人每天淋浴或洗澡一次。At least 60% of us now bathe or shower once a day.
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