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- inside
- interior
- inner
- internal
- within
- in
- heart
- mind
Compounds (15)
to receive; to accept; to enjoy; to bring into; to pay (tax etc); nano- (one billionth); to reinforce sole of shoes or stockings by close sewing
component; third (in order); third of the ten Heavenly Stems 十天干; propyl; letter "C" or roman "III" in list "A, B, C", or "I, II, III" etc; ancient Chinese compass point: 165°
Related words (180)
internal injury; disorder of internal organs (due to improper nutrition, overexertion etc)
inner area (of a place that has an outer area); the kitchen of a restaurant (as opposed to the dining area); infield (baseball etc); (Chinese opera) the area behind the table on the stage
to select sb for a position without announcing the decision until later; to decide behind closed doors; all cut and dried
guest from the same country; internal or domestic visitor (as opposed to international guest 外賓|外宾)
to install (hardware) internally (rather than plugging it in as a peripheral); (math.) to interpolate; interpolation
meaning; content; essential properties (implied or reflected by a notion); intention; connotation; self-possessed
internal friction; internal dissipation of energy (in mechanics); (fig.) waste or discord within an organization
inner transcendence (perfection through one's own inner moral cultivation, as in Confucianism, for example)
implied meaning; intended meaning; the logical content of a word or technical notion
medical doctor; physician who works primarily by administering drugs, as opposed to surgeon 外科医生
insider contacts; via private channels; to seek influence with sb via family members (possibly dishonest or underhand)
soft on the inside despite one's hard shell; appearing tough on the outside as to mask one's inner vulnerability; also written soft on the inside despite one's hard shell; appearing tough on the outside as to mask one's inner vulnerability; also written 內柔外剛|内柔外刚[nei4 rou2 wai4 gang1]
heavy on form, light on substance; to stress form at the expense of content
Idioms (7)
internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad
internal trouble and outside aggression (idiom); in a mess both domestically and abroad
(lit.) show strength while weak inside (idiom); appearing fierce while cowardly at heart; a sheep in wolf's clothing
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