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绿皮书是一条龙。Lupishu is a dragon.
- phonetic and meaning component (dragon, gods...)
- imperial
- radical (Kang Xi 212)
Compounds (21)
basket; cage; flat bamboo basket used to serve dimsum 点心; to cover; to cage; to embrace; to manipulate through trickery
to gather together; to collect; to approach; to draw near to; to add; to sum up; to comb (hair)
Related words (129)
faucet; water tap; (bicycle) handle bar; stem; chief (esp. of gang); boss; decision maker; (market) leader (of companies); front end of mud-flow; figurehead on prow of dragon boat 龍船|龙船
closure (civil engineering); join of segments to complete a project (dam, bridge, dike etc)
legendary dragon (with the ability to control rain and floods); flood dragon (a mythical creature capable of invoking storms and floods)
own goal (football); a goal in a sports match where the player accidentally puts the ball into his own goal
macaron, French pastry with a soft filling sandwiched between the meringue-based cookie shells (loanword)
(the) skilled art of slaughtering dragons; useless skill; art of a high order but of little value
(lit.) mountain has a connecting pulse throughout like a dragon (idiom, from fengshui); sequence of events; pedigree; cause and effects; the whys and wherefores; where sth comes from and where it goes; ins and outs
theropod (beast-footed dinosaur group); suborder Theropoda within order Saurischia containing carnivorous dinosaurs
Idioms (24)
(lit.) the dragon wars, the tiger battles (idiom); fierce battle between giants
the dragon and phoenix are symbols of good fortune (idiom); auspicious; decorated with auspicious symbols such as the dragon and the phoenix
(lit.) dragon's head, snake's tail (idiom); fig. a strong start but weak finish
(lit.) the dragon has nine sons (idiom); fig. all kinds of characters; good and bad intermingled; It takes all sorts to make a world.
(lit.) dragon soaring and tiger leaping (idiom); (fig.) prosperous and bustling; vigorous and active
old but still full of vitality (idiom); someone with a strong and determined spirit
(lit.) hidden dragon, crouching tiger (idiom); (fig.) talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent
hitching a ride to the sky on the dragon and phoenix (idiom); fig. currying favor with the rich and powerful in the hope of advancement
(lit.) to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child to succeed in life; to have great hopes for one's offspring; to give one's child the best education as a career investment
to paint a dragon and dot in the eyes (idiom); fig. to add the vital finishing touch; the crucial point that brings the subject to life; a few words to clinch the point
(lit.) coiled dragon, crouching tiger (idiom); (fig.) talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent
(lit.) hidden dragon, crouching tiger (idiom); (fig.) talented individuals in hiding; concealed talent
(lit.) fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the honest folk
to make a significant advance in one's career (idiom); to get one's big break
(lit.) strong dragon cannot repress a snake (idiom); fig. a local gangster who is above the law
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