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- wine (esp. rice wine)
- liquor
- alcohol
- spirits
- alcoholic beverage
Related words (193)
to offer a libation; person who performs the libation before a banquet; senior member of a profession; important government post in imperial China
formal exchange of cups of wine between bride and groom as traditional wedding ceremony
not a slave to the bottle; able to enjoy alcohol in moderation; able to hold one's drink
(lit.) new wine in old bottles; fig. new concepts in an old framework; (loan idiom from Matthew 9:17, but fig. meaning is opposite)
to dismiss military hierarchy using wine cups; cf Song founding Emperor Song Taizu 宋太祖 holds a banquet in 961 and persuades his senior army commanders to go home to their provinces
to refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit; (fig.) to hesitate to do sth until forced to do even more
Idioms (26)
wine sack, food bag (idiom); useless person, only fit for guzzling and boozing
fragrant wine fears no dark alley (idiom); quality goods need no advertising
(lit.) a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests
(lit.) sing to accompany wine (idiom); fig. life is short, make merry while you can
(lit.) a chicken and a bottle of wine (idiom); fig. ready to make an offering to the deceased, or to entertain guests
a wine cup dissolves complaints (idiom); a few drinks can ease social interaction
to wallow in alcohol and sex (idiom); over-indulgence in wine and women; an incorrigible drunkard and lecher
lanterns red, wine green (idiom); feasting and pleasure-seeking; debauched and corrupt environment
pulling a lamb and bringing wine on a carrying pole (idiom); fig. to offer elaborate congratulations; to kill the fatted calf
to spend one's time in drinking and pleasure (idiom); to indulge in sensual pleasures; life of debauchery
(lit.) to trade a fur coat for wine (idiom); (fig.) (of wealthy people) to lead a dissolute and extravagant life
(lit.) the best wine is at the bottom of the jug (idiom); (fig.) the best is saved for last
to live in the moment (idiom); to live every day as if it were one's last; to enjoy while one can
wine-lover's heart is not in the cup (idiom); a drinker not really interested in alcohol; having an ulterior motive; to have other things in mind; with an ax to grind; accomplishing something besides what one set out to do
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