inside; in; phonetic component; interior; inner; lining; inside (clothing); village; radical (Kang Xi 166); measure of length (traditional, currently called 市里); li (Chinese mile); 500 meters (modern)
li (Chinese mile); 500 meters (modern); home; hometown; village; neighborhood; administrative unit
to be; to work as; during; to act as; manage; withstand; when; during; ought; should; match equally; equal; same; obstruct; just at (a time or place); on the spot; right
at or in the very same...; suitable; adequate; fitting; proper; to replace; to regard as; to think; to pawn; (coll.) to fail (a student)
to accumulate; to involve or implicate (Taiwan pr. [lei4]); continuous; repeated
to remain; to stay; to leave (eg a message); to study abroad; to detain; to retain; to pay attention (to); to reserve; to keep; to save
fish; meaning component (fish, fresh); radical (Kang Xi 195)
to draw; drawing; to paint; painting; picture; to mark; to sign; stroke (in a Chinese character); to delimit
fruit; result; consequence; to fill; resolute; determined; as expected; actually; indeed; really; if; if indeed; if really
thunder; mine (weapon); (Internet slang) terrifying; terrific
scope; extent; boundary; circles; group; kingdom (taxonomy)
thin; slender; finely particulate; soft; fine; delicate; trifling; (of a sound) quiet; frugal
plan; strategy; outline; summary; slightly; rather; to rob; to plunder; to summarize; to omit
sprout; young plant; seedling; vaccine; Miao ethnic group
different; other; hetero-; unusual; strange; surprising; to distinguish; to separate; to discriminate
the whole of; to finish; to complete; complete; full; finished
foreign country; foreigner; foreign (non-Chinese); barbarian; classifier (for occurrences (of an action or deed)); measure word; -fold (as in twofold etc); kind; sort
edge; side; boundary; bank (of a river etc); shore
arable fields; cultivated field; class; category
to fear; to be afraid; to respect; to admire; reverence
to exert (oneself); to act vigorously; to brace up; wave; to raise; to lift; to strive
suburbs or outskirts; one of the five degrees of official mourning attire in dynastic China; official in charge of fields (old)
livestock; domesticated animal; domestic animal
small plot of farm land; Taiwan pr. [xi1]
lopsided; unbalanced; abnormal; irregular; odd fractional remnant
territory around the capital
to raise (animals); to raise (livestock)
used in Japanese names with phonetic value hatake, bata etc; dry field (i.e. not paddy field)
to inlay with gold, silver etc; ancient inlaid ornament shaped as a flower
raised path between fields
to cultivate (land); to hunt
Chinese alligator (Alligator sinensis)
a basket or pan used for earth; manure etc
border; boundary; field-path
raised path between fields
a bend in a river (Cantonese)
drain between fields, irrigation
phonetic dap or dābo; rice paddy (Korean gugja)
raised path between fields