still; even; yet; even more
(indicates a) past action (or state); (experienced) action marker; to cross; to go over; to pass (time); to celebrate (a holiday)
(experienced action marker)
to curve; to return; to revolve
(used with 也, 都 etc.) even; to link; to connect; including
to enter; to come into; to go into; to get into; to advance; to move forward; to move ahead
to give; to give as a present; to gift; to deliver; to send; to carry; to offer; to see somebody (off or out); to accompany; to escort
direction; way; road; path; principle; method; Dao (of Daoism); classifier (for long thin things -rivers, cracks -, barriers - doors etc-, questions - in an exam etc -, commands, courses in a meal, steps in a process); measure word; to say
near; nearly; nearby; close; close to; similar; to approach; to approximate; approximately; recent; intimate; easy to understand; closely related
side; edge; margin; border; boundary; simultaneously
suffix of a noun of locality
to choose; to pick; to select; to elect
to distance oneself from (classical)
to attain; to reach; to amount to; to communicate; eminent
to go (through); to pass (through); to lead (to); to know well; expert (suffix); to connect; to communicate; open; to clear; classifier (for letters, telegrams, phone calls etc); measure word
classifier (for an activity, taken in its entirety (tirade of abuse, stint of music playing, bout of drinking etc)); measure word
to retreat; to decline; to move back; to withdraw
to repay; to give back; to pay back; to return (to ideas, someone...); to go back (to ideas, someone...)
to chase (after); to run (after); to pursue; to catch (up with); to seek; to recall; to do one's utmost to seek or procure something
to swim; to roam; to rove around; to saunter; to stroll; to travel; to tour
to make; to build; to manufacture; to invent; to fabricate; to go to; party (in a lawsuit or legal agreement); crop; classifier (for crops); measure word
to meet by chance (usually with misfortune); to suffer; incident; to encounter; to come across; classifier (for events: time, turn, incident); measure word
to bewilder; crazy about; fan; enthusiast; lost; confused
to stroll; to visit; to roam; to wander; to ramble
to force
(sb to do sth); to compel; to press for; to extort; to press on towards; to press up to; to close in on; used in the place of
屄, cunt
all over; everywhere; classifier (for actions); a time; one time; once
to move; to transport; to use; to apply; fortune; luck; fate
to escape; to run away; to flee
to meet; to encounter; to treat; to receive; opportunity; chance
speedy; fast; speed; rapid; quick; velocity; prompt; to invite
to stay; to play with; funny; to provoke
(laughter, etc); to stop; to tease;
(to) amuse; short pause in reading aloud, equivalent to comma
(also written 讀)
to penetrate; to pass through; to seep through; thorough; thoroughly; completely; fully; transparent; to tell secretly; to let out; to appear; to reveal; to show; to ignite (fire); to leak out; defolation
to satisfy; to succeed; then; thereupon; finally; unexpectedly; to proceed; to reach
to welcome; to meet; to face; to forge ahead (esp. in the face of difficulties)
to escape; leisurely; outstanding
to take a step; to stride
to meet by chance; to come across; (of a calendar event) to come along; (of an event) to fall on (a particular day); to fawn upon
to avoid; to shun; to flee; to escape; to keep away from; to leave; to hide from
contrary; opposite; backwards; to go against; to oppose; to betray; to rebel
to hand over; to pass on something; to gradually increase or decrease; progressively
to invite; to request; to intercept; to solicit; to seek
to fit; to suit; suitable; appropriate; proper; just (now); right; opportune; comfortable; well; to go; to follow; to pursue; to reach; to marry
to exceed; to go beyond; to transcend; to cross over; to jump over
to pursue; to chase; individually; one by one
to move; to shift; to change (a position or location etc); to promote
distant; remote; far; far away
to cover up (a shortcoming); to screen off; to hide; to conceal
to state; to tell; to narrate; to relate
(of time) to pass; to die
road; route; journey; way; path
short name for Liaoning
遼寧 province; Liao or Khitan dynasty
to lose; to leave behind; to omit; to bequeath; sth lost; involuntary discharge (of urine etc)
to patrol; to make one's rounds
to catch (coll.); to seize
to arrest (literary); to seize; to overtake; until
(phonetic sound for Buddhist terms)
to abdicate; modest; yielding; unpretentious; inferior to; (slang) to suck
to force; to compel; to approach or go towards; urgent; pressing
to dispatch; to send; to dispel
to observe; to obey; to follow; to comply with
to disobey; to violate; to separate; to go against
to evade; to flee; to escape
to stroll; to walk (an animal)
to show off; to flaunt; to carry out or succeed in a scheme; to indulge; to give free rein to
distant; long-lasting; to abandon
to burst forth; to spurt; to crack; split
to restrain; to check; to hold back
literal-minded; pedantic; doctrinaire; longwinded; circuitous
way; path; direct; diameter
strong; vigorous; robust; to draw near; to come to an end
deep; distant; mysterious
to make excursion; to ramble; to travel
to walk cautiously; to walk aimlessly
to flee; to abscond; to owe
winding, curving; swagger
careless, negligent, slipshod; see
to hurry; to go to and fro
follow; in accordance with
to shrink back (from sth)
to deceive; to scare; to travel
distant; joyous; satisfied
to go; to reach; appropriate; suitable; see
apparent; distant; highly
to be the first to begin a quarrel
(Japanese kokuji) to be crowded, to go into, etc
to sculpt; to carve; musical instrument (old)
to fall; to sway; to cross
recalcitrant; to encounter