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從邏輯上說,言、辭是語言、文字,意指思想認識。Logically speaking, speech and diction are language and words, meaning thought and understanding.
(a type of) classical Chinese literature
《楚辭》The Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected especially from the country of Chu c. 500 BC)
(a form of) classical poetry
《木蘭辭》The Ballad of Mulan
to take leave
不辭而別To take leave without saying goodbye
to decline
那家公司想聘他當顧問,但他固辭不受。That company wanted to hire him as a consultant but he firmly declined.
to resign
我上星期五辭了職,當天就離開了。I resigned from office on Friday and left the same day.
to dismiss
他因玩忽職守被辭了。He was dismissed for neglect of duty.
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