too (much); extremely; very; excessively; over (in the sense of excessively)
gate; graphic and meaning component (door, construction, thing you close...); door; radical (Kang Xi 169); entrance; classifier (for lessons, subject, large guns...)
owner; master; host; individual or party concerned; God; Lord; main; to indicate or signify; trump card (in card games)
ordinary; commonplace; mundane; temporal; of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels); every; all; whatever; altogether; gist; outline; note of Chinese musical scale
to press; to push down; to keep under (control); pressure
see see 壓根兒|压根儿[ya4 gen1 r5]
household; family; door; phonetic and meaning component (door, house...); radical (Kang Xi 63)
good; phonetic component; very; very much
method; skill; technique; art
outstanding; especially; particularly; a fault; to express discontentment against
cave; meaning component (caves, holes...); radical (Kang Xi 116); cavity; hole; acupuncture point; Taiwan pr. [xue4]
fork; pitchfork; prong; pick; cross; intersect; "X"
to diverge; to open (as legs)
to divine; to predict; graphic component (often seen in other characters); to forecast; to estimate; to choose (a place to live etc); radical (Kang Xi 25)
spoon; centiliter
(unit of volume); graphic component
(often seen in other characters); ladle; abbreviation for
(name of an ancient) tribe
various genera of flowers of Asteracea family (daisies and chrysanthemums), including Atractylis lancea
eight; 8; all around; all sides; meaning component (to separate, around separation, halving); radical (Kang Xi 12)
graphic and meaning component (lid); radical (Kang Xi 8)
one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ra"), an ancient Korean writing system
one of the characters used in kwukyel, an ancient Korean writing system