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- contrary
- in reverse
- phonetic component
- inside out
- upside down
- to reverse
- to return
- to oppose
- opposite
- against
- anti-
- to rebel
- to use analogy
- instead
- abbr. for 反切 phonetic system
Compounds (19)
board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious
board; plank; plate; shutter; table tennis bat; clappers (music); accented beat in Chinese music; hard; stiff; to stop smiling or look serious; see 老闆|老板, boss
Related words (287)
(Chinese opera) to play a role outside of one's specialty; (modern) to play a transvestite role; to masquerade as an opponent
traditional system expressing the phonetic value of a Chinese character using two other characters, the first for the initial consonant, the second for the rhyme and tone
to support one's parents in their old age; to show filial piety; to to repay; to return a favor
earthern goblet stand also known as earthern goblet stand also known as 垿[xu4] (old) (old)
to be against; to argue (against); to fight (against); to dispute; to object; to oppose; opposition; combat
to react; reaction; chemical reaction; to respond; response; repercussion; to reply; feedback
to bounce; to bounce back; to boomerang; to ricochet; rebound (of stock market etc); bounce; backlash; negative repercussions
to mirror; to reflect; mirror image; reflection; (fig.) to report; to make known; to render
reverse type (white on black); reversed-out (graphics); highlighting (of selected text on a computer screen)
to reflect upon oneself; to examine one's conscience; to question oneself; to search one's soul
reversal; inversion; to reverse; to invert (upside down, inside out, back to front, white to black etc)
theory of reflection (in dialectic materialism), i.e. every perception reflects physical reality
whether it's right or wrong doesn't make a lot of difference; six of one and half a dozen of the other; as broad as it is long
the crime of instigating counter-revolutionary propaganda
"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
purge of counter-revolutionary elements (esp. Stalin's purges of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57); abbr. for 肅清反革命份子|肃清反革命分子
"Three Anti" campaign (anti-corruption, anti-waste, anti-bureaucracy), early PRC purge of 1951-52
old: to reap the consequences of one's words (idiom, from Mencius); modern: to go back on one's word; to blow hot and cold; to contradict oneself; inconsistent
final radiance of setting sun; (fig.) dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
bring order out of chaos; set to rights things which have been thrown into disorder
purge of counter-revolutionary elements (esp. Stalin's purges of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57); abbr. for 肅反肅清反革命份子|肃清反革命分子运动
opitoshtonous (med.), muscular spasm of the body associated with tetanus and meningitis
the more knowledgeable, the more reactionary (absurd anti-intellectual slogan attributed after the event to the Gang of Four 四人幫|四人帮)
purge of counter-revolutionaries (esp. Stalin's purges of the 1930 and Mao's purges 1955-57); abbr. to 肅反|肃反
counterrevolutionary coup of 12th April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek's coup against the communists in Shanghai
Idioms (15)
(lit.) the guest acts as host (idiom); fig. to turn from passive to active behavior
to turn one's face against sb and show no mercy (idiom); to turn against a friend
(lit.) to wear one's coat inside out and carry firewood on one's back (idiom); (fig.) to live a life of poverty and hard work; (fig.) to act stupidly
complete change from the normal state (idiom); quite uncharacteristic; entirely outside the norm; out of character
honor does not allow one to glance back (idiom); duty-bound not to turn back; no surrender; to pursue justice with no second thoughts
a government official drives the people to revolt (idiom); a minister provokes a rebellion by exploiting the people
wishing for profit, but causing loss (idiom); good intentions that lead to disaster; It all ends in tears.
when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idiom)
a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself; too smart for one's own good
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