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不多人认识她。Not many people know her.鱼很多。There are many fish.
多谢!Thank you very much!病人今天好多了。The patient has much improved today.
more (than)
五十多个人来了。More than 50 people came.
a lot
这里的人很多。There are a lot of people here.
- have (a specific amount) more (or too much)
how (to what extent)
你儿子多大了?How old is your son?
他在上海住了三年多。He lived over three years in Shanghai.
to what extent (in exclamations)
你多懒啊!How lazy you are!
Compounds (13)
Related words (285)
many-headed; many-layered (authority); devolved (as opposed to centralized); pluralistic; (as classifier) number of animals; long term (finance); long (investment)
diversification; diversified; to diversify; to pluralize; (to become) pluralistic; pluralism
pluralism, philosophical doctrine that the universe consists of different substances
to either refund an overcharge or ask for a surcharge in case of a price change
pattra palm tree (loan from Sanskrit, Corypha umbraculifera), whose leaves were used as paper substitute for Buddhist sutras
just about right; good enough; not bad; almost; nearly; not far off; more or less; similar; about the same (as); almost equal; pretty much; roughly
escudo (Spanish and Portugese: shield), former currency of Portugal and other countries
polypeptide, a chain of amino acids linked by peptide bonds CO-NH, a component of protein; same as 多肽
to imagine that one's love is reciprocated; to shower affection on an uninterested party
please treat me kindly (conventional greeting on first meeting); please be concerned; kind consideration; special care
the more knowledgeable, the more reactionary (absurd anti-intellectual slogan attributed after the event to the Gang of Four 四人幫|四人帮)
Proverbs (1)
(proverb) A lazy person will find many excuses to delay working; (lit.) When a lazy donkey is turning a grindstone, it takes a lot of time off for peeing and pooing
Idioms (37)
it is better to avoid unnecessary trouble (idiom); the less complications the better
(lit.) to have no time for civilities (idiom); (fig.) not to be outdone; not to yield to one's opponents
many men, a great force (idiom); many hands provide great strength; There is safety in numbers.
(lit.) many monks and not much gruel (idiom); (fig.) not enough to go around; demand exceeds supply
everything bodes ill, no positive signs (idiom); inauspicious; everything points to disaster
(lit.) rarely seen, very strange (idiom); to express amazement due to lack of experience; naive expression of excitement due to ignorance
a just cause enjoys abundant support (idiom); those upholding justice will find help all around
abler people do more work (idiom); It is because you are so capable that we (or they) leave everything to you.
many fleas, but unconcerned (idiom); no point in worrying about one debt when one has so many others; Troubles never come singly.; It never rains but it pours.
experienced and knowledgeable (idiom); to have great experience; to have a wide range of experience; to have seen a great deal
deceitful in many ways (idiom); wily and mischievous; full of craft and cunning
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