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- woman
- daughter
- girl
- female
- meaning component (women, person, beauty, names… and bad temper)
- radical (Kang Xi 38)
"ǚ" can be a tough letter to type in Chinese so it is standard to type a "v" instead to signify the ǚ
女 is also a meaning component
Learn more about 女 as a component in other characters: 女 the meaning component
Compounds (206)
content; calm; still; quiet; safe; secure; in good health; to find a place for; to install; to fix; to fit; to bring (a charge against sb); to pacify; to harbor (good intentions); security; safety; peace; ampere
to entrust; to cast aside; to shift (blame etc); to accumulate; roundabout; winding; dejected; listless; committee member; council; end; actually; certainly
makeup; to put on make up; adornment; to adorn oneself (of a woman) ; trousseau; stage makeup and costume
nanny; nurse (with teaching); governess; nursemaid; babysitter; woman who looks after small children; matron; housemaid; (old) female tutor
aunt; paternal aunt; husband's sister; husband's mother (old); nun; for the time being (literary)
Related words (204)
nyotaimori or "body sushi", Japanese practice of serving sushi on the body of a naked woman
fox lady; in folk stories, a beautiful girl who will seduce you then reveal herself as a ghost
beautiful woman; fairy maiden attending the Daoist immortals; (polite) sb else's daughter; Chinese dodder (Cuscuta chinensis), plant whose seeds are used for TCM
(Korean term) women who returned to Korea after being abducted during the Manchu invasions of Korea in the 17th century, only to be regarded as defiled and therefore ostracized, even by their own families
men, women, young and old; all kinds of people; people of all ages; each and everyone
men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things (citation, from Mencius)
Idioms (14)
a woman is born to leave her family (idiom); a woman's heart is with her husband
(lit.) a girl changes eighteen times between childhood and womanhood (idiom); (fig.) a young woman is very different from the little girl she once was
(lit.) golden boys and jade maidens (idiom); attendants of the Daoist immortals; (fig.) lovely young children; a golden couple; (of a couple who are in the public eye) a lovely young couple
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