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你怎么现在才来?Why did you just arrive? (i.e why are you so late?)
- a moment ago
- just now
- only (followed by a numerical clause)
- (preceded by an expression of time or reason) not unless
(preceded by a clause of condition, such as an expression of time, or reason) not until
她吃了三碗米饭才饱。She wasn't full until she had eaten three bowls.
- (preceded by an expression of time or reason) then and only then
- (preceded by an expression of time or reason) for no other reason
- (indicating sth happening later than expected)
- ability
他很有才。He is very talented.
- gift
- certainly
- indeed
A traditional form turned archaic
In traditional Chinese, used to look like this: 纔 but now, it's common usage to use 才, even in traditional Chinese!
Character Decomposition
才Oh noes!
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