but; yet; however; only; merely; still
particle (used after a verb to indicate effect, degree, possibility, etc.); structural particle (insert between a verb and its complement to express possibility, capability, or to describe manner or degree,)
to suit; to obtain; to get; to gain; to result in; to fit; proper; proud; to allow; (to be) ready (colloquial); to receive; to catch (a disease)
to have to; to need; must; certainly will; ought to; should be
to research; to check; to examine; to inspect; to investigate; to look into; to refer to; to search; to consult
capacity (for tolerance or taking food or drink); quantity; amount; volume; to estimate
and; to reach to; the limits
gall bladder; courage; guts; gall; inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)
picul (100 catties, 50 kg); two buckets full; carrying pole and its load; classifier (for loads carried on a shoulder pole); measure word
to undertake; to take on; to carry; to load; to shoulder; to burden; to take responsibility
level; smooth; flat; calm; open (hearted); candid; frank
extending all the way across; running all the way through
female personal name (archaic)
distressed; alarmed; shocked; grieved
(phonetic); dressed leather
a kind of wooden desk without legs