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- to eat
- food
- animal feed
- eclipse
Other pronunciations
食 | sì |
Compounds (9)
Related words (171)
(lit.) to eat one's words; to break a promise; to go back on one's word; to renege; unsworn testimony
cassowary (genus Casuarius), large flightless bird native to northeastern Australia and New Guinea
partial to (some kinds of food, usu. unhealthy); having likes and dislikes; partial eclipse
cold food (i.e. to abstain from cooked food for 3 days around the Qingming festival 清明節|清明节); the Qingming festival
to go in search of food (of animals); to take medicine for indigestion or gastro-intestinal upsets
to beg while playing the xiao 箫 (mouth organ); cf Wu Zixu 伍子胥, destitute refugee from Chu 楚, busked in Wu town c. 520 BC, then became a powerful politician
(lit.) "Why don't they eat meat?" (said by Emperor Hui of Jin 晋惠帝 when told that his people didn't have enough rice to eat); (fig.) (of people from higher class etc) to be oblivious to other people's plight
veganism (a diet consisting solely of plant products); strict vegetarianism
(lit.) not eating the food of common mortals; (fig.) placing oneself above the common populace
Idioms (33)
to swallow ancient learning without digesting it (idiom); to be pedantic without having a mastery of one's subject
food is more precious than jade and firewood more expensive than cassia (idiom); the cost of living is very high
to eat sb's flesh and sleep on their hide (idiom); to swear revenge on sb; implacable hatred; to have sb's guts for garters
to eat bitter fruit and lie on thorns (idiom); to share the hard life of the common people
(lit.) to grow fat eating one's words (idiom); (fig.) not to live up to one's promises
(lit.) to have only nine meals in thirty days (idiom); (fig.) (of a family) on the brink of starvation; in dire straits
(lit.) not eating for fear of choking (idiom); fig. to cut off one's nose to spite one's face; to avoid sth essential because of a slight risk
to dress before light and not eat before dark (idiom); diligently attending to official matters
(lit.) cannot rest or eat in peace (idiom); (fig.) extremely worried and troubled
to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work
(lit.) the weak are prey to the strong (idiom); fig. predatory behavior; the law of the jungle
(lit.) not to have breakfast until the enemy is destroyed; anxious to do battle (idiom)
(lit.) to lead beasts to eat the people (idiom); fig. tyrannical government oppresses the people
to receive troops with food and drink (idiom); to give troops a hearty welcome; also pr. [dan1 si4 hu2 jiang1]
(lit.) to eat off one's own strength (idiom); (fig.) to stand on one's own feet; to earn one's own living
to eat one's own fruit (idiom); fig. suffering the consequences of one's own action; to reap what one has sown
(lit.) to eat one's own bitter fruit (idiom); (fig.) to suffer the consequences of one's own actions; to stew in one's own juice
(lit.) food and medicine come from the same source (idiom); (fig.) there is no clear-cut distinction between food and medicine
clothing, food, housing and transport (idiom); (people's) basic needs; basic necessities of life
not having to worry about clothes and food (idiom); to be provided with the basic necessities
not having to worry about food and clothes (idiom); provided with the basic necessities
when hungry, you can't pick what you eat (idiom); beggars can't be choosers; When matters are urgent, don't spend time choosing alternatives.
a tiger, though cruel, will not devour its cubs (idiom); even wild beasts look after their young
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