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- square
- power
- phonetic and meaning component (flags, army)
- radical (Kang Xi 70)
- involution (mathematics)
- upright
- honest
- fair and square
- direction
- side
- party (to a contract, dispute etc)
- place
- method
- prescription (medicine)
- just when
- only
- just
- classifier (for square things)
- measure word
- abbr. for square meter
- abbr. for cubic meter
方 is also a phonetic component
Learn more about 方 as a component in other characters: 方 the phonetic component
Compounds (49)
to play (a record...); to put; to place; to lay; to show (a film...); to put down; to release; to let go; to set free; to let oneself go; to give way (to); to graze; to put out to feed; to give off; to let off; to lend (money with interest); to loan; to let (out or down); to blossom (flowers); to moderate (one's attitude or behaviour)
house; room; branch of an extended family; classifier (for family members (or concubines)); measure word
beside; one side; other; side; self; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic
race; nationality; ethnic group; ethnicity; clan; class or group of things or people with common features or attributes; (by extension) social group (e.g. office workers 上班族)
part of a river; to swim (variant of 游); phonetic and meaning component (water); to wander; to float; to roam; scallops along lower edge of flag
Related words (274)
square zhang (i.e. unit of area 10 feet square); monastic room 10 feet square; Buddhist or Daoist abbot; abbot's chamber
convenient; convenience; suitable; favour; to facilitate; to make things easy; handy; to go to the toilet (euphemism)
dialect; topolect; dictionary (the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 扬雄 in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters)
squared paper; graph paper; grid paper (manuscript paper with squares for Chinese characters)
underneath; below; the underside; world of mortals; to descend to the world of mortals (of Gods)
unilateral; one-sided; home remedy; folk prescription(same as 丹方); single-drug prescription (same as unilateral; one-sided; home remedy; folk prescription(same as 丹方); single-drug prescription (same as 奇方[ji1 fang1], one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of Chinese medicine 七方[qi1 fang1]); metaphorically. a good solution, one of the seven kinds of prescriptions of Chinese medicine 七方); metaphorically. a good solution
counterpart; adversary; other person involved; (the) opposite side; (the) other party; (the) other side; receiving party
receiving party; recipient; debit side (of balance sheet), as opposed to credit side 付方
formula; formulation; recipe; cooking recipe; prescription; completing the square (to solve quadratic equation, math)
imperial sword (giving bearer arbitrary powers); in fiction, Chinese version of 007's license to kill
imperial sword (giving bearer plenipotentiary powers); imperial Chinese version of 007 licensed to kill
policy expressed in eight characters, e.g. 巩固、深化、提高、发展[Gong3 gu4 , shen1 hua4 , ti2 gao1 , fa1 zhan3] "Consolidate, deepen, enhance and grow"; eight-character policy
(bird species of China) mountain chiffchaff (Phylloscopus sindianus)
Idioms (17)
flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
flourishing and still in the ascendant (idiom); rapidly expanding; still growing strong; on the up
to think up every possible method (idiom); in every possible way; to do everything possible (to); to devise ways and means; to try various devices (to); to try this, that and the other
the future is long (idiom); there will be ample time for that later; We'll cross that bridge when we get there
to exercise sole hegemony (idiom); to dominate a whole area (market, resources etc); to hold as one's personal fiefdom
(lit.) the eyes watch six roads and the ears listen in all directions; to be observant and alert (idiom)
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