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今天是星期五。Today is Friday.
- 5
Compounds (2)
Related words (112)
the five Confucian relationships (ruler-subject, father-son, brother-brother, husband-wife, friend-friend)
imperial five punishments of feudal China, up to Han times: tattooing characters on the forehead 墨, cutting off the nose 劓, amputation of one or both feet 刖, castration 宫, execution 大辟; Han dynasty onwards: whipping 笞, beating the legs and buttocks with rough thorns 杖, forced labor 徒, exile or banishment 流, capital punishment 死
the five flavors, namely: sweet 甜, sour 酸, bitter 苦, spicy hot 辣, salty 鹹|咸; all kinds of flavors
fourth of May, cf 五四運動|五四运动, national renewal movement that started with 4th May 1919 protest against the Treaty of Versailles
five constant virtues of Confucianism, namely: benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信; five cardinal relationships of Confucianism (between ruler and subject, father and son, husband and wife, brothers, friends); five phases of Chinese philosophy: water 水, fire 火, wood 木, metal 金, earth 土
abbr. of 五筆字型|五笔字型, five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
(Buddhism etc) the five forbidden pungent vegetables: leek, scallion, garlic, rape and coriander
five elements; five phases of Chinese philosophy: wood 木, fire 火, earth 土, metal 金, water 水
metal hardware (nuts and bolts); the five metals: gold, silver, copper, iron and tin 金銀銅鐵錫|金银铜铁锡
five spice seasoned; incorporating the five basic flavors of Chinese cooking (sweet, sour, bitter, savory, salty)
fifty cents party (person supposed to relay government propaganda on Internet sites)
five chief demons of folklore personifying pestilence; cf four horsemen of the apocalypse
wuling powder (decoction of poria mushroom used in TCM); poria five powder; Hoelen five powder; five ling powder
(TCM) "five strains and seven impairments", five referring to the five viscera 五脏, and seven to adverse effects on one's body as a result of: overeating (spleen), anger (liver), moisture (kidney), cold (lung), worry (heart), wind and rain (o
anti-imperialist movement of 30th May 1925, involving general strike esp. in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong etc
the five treaty ports forced on Qing China by the 1842 treaty of Nanjing 南京條約|南京条约 that concluded the First Opium War, namely: Guangzhou 廣州|广州, Fuzhou 福州, Ningbo 寧波|宁波, Xiamen or Amoy 廈門|厦门 and Shanghai 上海
(lit.) (may the) five blessings descend upon this home (namely: longevity, wealth, health, virtue, and a natural death); (an auspicious saying for the Lunar New Year)
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
to bind a person's upper body, with arms tied behind the back and rope looped around the neck; to truss up
poetic form consisting of four lines of five syllables, with rhymes on first, second and fourth line
five stroke input method for Chinese characters by numbered strokes, invented by Wang Yongmin 王永民 in 1983
the "five black categories" (Cultural Revolution term), i.e. landlords, rich peasants, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and rightists
to make a show of being decent and proper; to display phony or hypocritical behavior
(lit.) to shout out hoping for fives and sixes when gambling with dice; a hubbub of gambling
to round up to the nearest integer; to discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)
(lit.) 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule); (fig.) to deny responsibility; to pass the buck; also written (lit.) 1 divided by 16 is 0.0625 (abacus rule); (fig.) to deny responsibility; to pass the buck; also written 一推六二五[yi1 tui4 liu4 er4 wu3]
(lit.) one half equals zero point five (division rule in abacus reckoning); to share fairly between two parties; to go fifty-fifty
fifth modernization, i.e. democracy, cf Deng Xiaoping's Four Modernizations 鄧小平|邓小平, 四個現代化|四个现代化
Idioms (21)
the five lakes and the four seas (idiom); all parts of the country; everywhere; (from) all corners of the country; all the seas and lakes
the one who has retreated 50 steps laughs at the one who has retreated 100 steps (idiom); the pot calls the kettle black
five hundred years ago we were the same family (idiom) (said of persons with the same surname)
(lit.) count by fives and tens (idiom); to narrate systematically and in full detail
three principles and five virtues (idiom); the three rules (ruler guides subject, father guides son and husband guides wife) and five constant virtues of Confucianism (benevolence 仁, righteousness 義|义, propriety 禮|礼, wisdom 智 and fidelity 信)
all split up and in pieces (idiom); disunity (in an organization); complete lack of unity; to disintegrate; falling apart; to be at sixes and sevens
as if lost in a thick fog (idiom); in a fog; muddled; completely unfamiliar with sth
(lit.) to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom); (fig.) to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
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