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to go back
我八点回家。I'm going home at 8.
- to turn around
- to return
Compounds (9)
Related words (207)
round (of negotiations); bout (of sporting competition, boxing match, confrontation etc); rally (in volley-ball, tennis etc)
to return to one's home country; to return to one's country; to go back home (country); to return home (to one's homeland); to go back to your country; to go back to one's country
to reply; to revert; to answer; to restore; to recover; to return (to a previous condition); re: (reply to in an email); reflex
to turn around; to turn round; to repent; to look back; to go back; to turn one's head; later; by and by
(of sth that has been deformed) to spring back to original shape; (fig.) to rebound; to bounce back
to recall; memory; to remember; to call (or bring) to mind; to recollect; recollection; memorize; memories
to flow back; reflux; circumfluence; refluence; backward flow; returning flow (e.g. of talent)
to steam again; to rewarm food in a bamboo steamer; to withdraw currency from circulation
to shun; to avoid (sb); to skirt; to evade (an issue); to step back; to withdraw; to recuse (a judge etc)
stoping (excavating ore using stepped terraces); to extract ore; extraction; to pull back
(of a wife) to return to her parental home; (fig.) to return to one's old place, job, school etc
to go back to one's roots; to return to one's native place; by ext. to join one's ancestors (i.e. to die)
final radiance of setting sun; (fig.) dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
final radiance of setting sun; (fig.) dying flash (of lucidity or activity, prior to demise)
to pull back; to regain (one's dignity etc); to recover from (an adverse situation); to turn the tables
to reincarnate; reincarnation (Buddhism); cycle; to follow each other cyclically (of the seasons etc)
to take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously"); to treat conscientiously
what's the matter?; what's going on?; how could that be?; how did that come about?; what's it all about?
novel in chapters, main format for long novels from the Ming onwards, with each chapter headed by a summary couplet
returning to our main topic; that said; again; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless; anyhow
returning to our main topic,...; that said,...; again,...; in this connection; in passing; nevertheless,...; anyhow
Idioms (14)
unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom); to fail to save the situation
unable to turn around a hopeless situation (idiom); to fail to save the situation
magical hands bring the dying back to life (idiom); miracle cure; brilliant doctor
the mountain road twists around each new peak (idiom); (of a mountain road) twisting and turning; (fig.) an opportunity has come unexpectedly; things have taken a new turn
meandering and circuitous (idiom); complicated developments that never get anywhere; going around in circles
(lit.) a good horse doesn't come back to the same pasture (idiom); (fig.) one should not go back to one's past experiences (of love, job etc)
(lit.) once you've shot the arrow, there's no getting it back (idiom); (fig.) once you started sth, there's no turning back; to have to finish what one started; to be determined to reach one's goals in spite of setbacks
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