and; furthermore; also; together with; (not) at all; simultaneously; to combine; to join; to merge; to amalgamate
and; furthermore; also; together with; (not) at all; simultaneously; to combine; to join; to merge
to combine; to amalgamate
front; top; first; ago; before; preceding; previous; former; formerly; (to go) forward
always; invariably; surely; certainly; to assemble; to put together; to sum up; gather; total; overall; in every case; head; chief; general
meter; meaning component (rice, grains, food...); rice; radical (Kang Xi 119)
half; (after a number) and a half
bill; list; form; single; only; sole; odd number
to close; to turn off; to shut; to shut in; to lock up; mountain pass; barrier; a critical juncture
once; already; ever (in the past); former; previously; (past tense marker used before verb or clause)
flat; level; equal; even; smooth; to tie
(make the same score); to draw
(score); calm; peaceful; see also
commerce; merchant; dealer; to consult; 2nd note in pentatonic scale; quotient
(as in 智商, intelligence quotient)
great-grand (father, child etc)
fork; branch; bifurcation; girl
orchid (蘭花|兰花 Cymbidium goeringii); fragrant; fragrance; fragrant thoroughwort (蘭草|兰草 Eupatorium fortunei); lily magnolia (木蘭|木兰)
sheep; goat; phonetic component; radical (Kang Xi 123)
good (virtuous); benevolent; well-disposed; good at sth; to improve or perfect
yield; to give birth; to reproduce; to produce; product; resource; property; estate
beside; one side; other; side; self; the right-hand side of split Chinese character, often the phonetic
to press from either side; to place in between; to sandwich; to carry sth under armpit; wedged between; between; to intersperse; to mix; to mingle; clip; folder; Taiwan pr. [jia2]
double-layered; lined (garment)
Taiwan pr. used in
夹生 and
general; popular; everywhere; universal
bean; radical (Kang Xi 151); pea; sacrificial vessel
to satisfy; to succeed; then; thereupon; finally; unexpectedly; to proceed; to reach
beast; animal; beastly; bestial
(classical particle similar to 于); at; from; because; than;
(classical final particle similar to 吗, 吧, 呢, expressing question, doubt or astonishment)
(younger) brother; little brother; younger (male cousin); junior (male); I (modest word in letter)
to cash; to exchange; graphic component
(often seen in other characters); to add
(liquid); to blend; one of the Eight Trigrams
八卦, symbolizing swamp; ☱
chisel; to bore a hole; to chisel or dig; certain; authentic; irrefutable
deep; distant; mysterious
(earthen) pot; (iron) cauldron; radical (Kang Xi 193)
ancient ceramic three-legged vessel used for cooking with cord markings on the outside and hollow legs
(archaic) drum; (phonetic) component
kwukyel; (ancient) Korean writing system; one of the characters used in kwukyel (phonetic "ho")
thick grass; "bush" component in Chinese characters