to change; to alter; to transform; to correct
to play (a record...); to put; to place; to lay; to show (a film...); to put down; to release; to let go; to set free; to let oneself go; to give way (to); to graze; to put out to feed; to give off; to let off; to lend (money with interest); to loan; to let (out or down); to blossom (flowers); to moderate (one's attitude or behaviour)
to accept; to receive; receipt(s); to collect (fee); to charge; to put away; to take (in); income; to harvest; to gather (in); to end; to stop; to conclude; to restrain; to control; to arrest; to detain
number; a few; digit; figure; several; amount
to teach; to instruct; to pass on (knowledge or technical abilities to others)
religion; teaching; to make; to cause; to tell
to repair; to embellish; to decorate; to mend; to fix; overhaul; to write; to compile; to study; to cultivate; to build; to construct
happening; instance; reason; cause; intentional; former; old; friend; therefore; hence; to die
to scatter; to break up (a meeting etc); to loose; to disperse; to disseminate; to distribute; to spread; to give out; to dispel; to let out; (coll.) to sack
to save; to help; to assist; to rescue
tiny; miniature; profound; abtruse; to decline; one millionth part of; micro-; Taiwan pr. [wei2]
fine; delicate; to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey
to send; to devote; to deliver; to cause; to convey
quick; nimble; agile; clever; smart
to attack; to accuse; to study
to remove; to take away; to withdraw
to defeat; to damage; to lose (to an opponent); to fail; to wither
political; politics; government
to respect; to venerate; to salute; to offer
enemy; match; to resist; to withstand
classifier (for bullets, coins, rings, badges, pearls, sporting medals, rockets, satellites etc); measure word; tree trunk; whip; wooden peg (used as a gag for marching soldiers - old)
effect; efficacy; to imitate
to herd; to breed livestock; to govern (old); government official (old)
to spread; to lay out; to apply (powder, ointment etc); sufficient (to cover); enough
fiend; demon; very; (Tw) SARS (loanword)
badge; emblem; insignia; crest; logo; coat of arms
to hold back; to restrain; to control (oneself); to collect; Taiwan pr. [lian4]
at first; devise; originate; the start; the origin
at first; devise; originate
rut; track; rhyme; (dialect) way; method
hard-working; industrious
far; distant; (adverbial) prefix; concerning
my (polite); poor; ruined; shabby; worn out; defeated
open to the view of all; spacious; to open wide; to disclose
4th note in pentatonic scale
五音, roughly sol; see also
imperial order; imperial decree; command; edict
sudden; abrupt; Taiwan pr. [shu4]
to cultivate (land); to hunt
tally for going through a pass
keep tidy and repaired; sew
percussion instrument shaped as a hollow wooden tiger, with serrated strip across the back, across which one runs a drumstick
able (in administrating); to govern forcefully
name of a district in Shaanxi
to fill up or cover up a hole
to weigh; to cut; to come without being invited
go with current; mucus; spittle
to fall apart; leisurely; scattered; loose; to come loose; powdered medicine
a kind of metal or jade ornament worn in ancient times to ward off evil spirits
Imperial command or edict