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- bright
- light
- brilliant
- clear (of meaning)
- to understand
- to comprehend
- to know
- next
- public
- open
- wise
- generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
Compounds (4)
oath; pledge; union; to ally; league, a subdivision corresponding to prefecture in Inner Mongolia
to sprout; to bud; to have a strong affection for (slang); adorable (loanword from Japanese 萌え moe, slang describing affection for a cute character)
Related words (213)
sensible; reasonable; an obvious reason, truth or fact; to understand the reason or reasoning
mirror (as a metaphor for sth beautiful, bright and flat -- such as a lake -- or sth that provides clarity and insight)
perspicacious person; sb with a discerning eye; sighted person (as opposed to blind)
(lit.) seeing clearly the downy feather of autumn (idiom, from Mencius); fig. sensitive to the finest detail; to distinguish right and wrong with acuity; omniscient
the hidden and the visible; that which can be seen and that which cannot; darkness and light; night and day; wisdom and ignorance; evil and good; the living and the dead; men and ghosts
to explain; explanation; to illustrate; illustration; to show; explication; instruction; direction
(the) four great Chinese inventions (:paper, printing, magnetic compass and gunpowder)
to renounce the dark and seek the light; to give up one's wrong way of life and turn to a better one
to make a clear difference between what one likes and what one hates; to have well-defined likes and dislikes
to grow a beard as a symbol of one's determination (as Mei Lanfang 梅兰芳 growing a beard and refusing to perform for the Japanese)
material and spiritual culture; matter and mind; material progress, ideology and culture (philosophic slogan, adopted into Deng Xiaoping theory from 1978)
Idioms (43)
a wise man looks after his own hide (idiom); to put one's own safety before matters of principle
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
(lit.) chrysanthemums after the Double Ninth Festival (idiom); (fig.) outdated; thing of the past; dead letter
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
to cast pearls before swine (idiom); not to get proper recognition for one's talents
to honor sb as a God (idiom); to revere; to worship; to deify; to make a holy cow of sth; to put sb on a pedestal
open enquiries and secret search (idiom); to investigate openly and in secret; taking information from all sides
(lit.) the willow trees make the shade, the flowers give the light (idiom); at one's darkest hour, a glimmer of hope (idiom); light at the end of the tunnel
(lit.) cool breeze and bright moon (idiom); (fig.) peaceful and clear night; (allusively) living a solitary and quiet life
a clever person may become the victim of his own ingenuity (idiom); cleverness may overreach itself; too smart for one's own good
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