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(indicates a) past action (or state)
你去过伦敦吗?Have you ever been to London?
- (experienced) action marker
- to cross
- to go over
- to pass (time)
- to celebrate (a holiday)
Other pronunciations
过 | guo |
Related words (240)
past times; (in the) past; former; formerly; previous; previously; to go over; over; across; to pass (by)
interlude; to cross the stage; to do sth as a mere formality; to go through the motions
to celebrate the Chinese New Year; to celebrate the Spring Festival; to spend the (Chinese) New Year; to spend the Spring Festival
outdated; out of date; old-fashioned; out of fashion; obsolete; to be later than the time stipulated or agreed upon
to come over; to manage; to handle; to be able to take care of; come here (used as an instruction)
to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling
overweight from overwork (the supposition that white collar workers become fat as a consequence of factors associated with being under pressure at work, including irregular diet, lack of exercise and inadequate rest)
(lit.) Notes on passing the hall, historical jottings by 12th century Southern Song poet Fan Gongcheng 範公偁|范公偁, containing moral instructions derived from great men of Song dynasty
(lit.) can pass through (an opening); (fig.) can get by (in life); tolerably well; not too bad; How are you getting by?; How's life?
an experienced person; sb who has 'been around (the block)'; sb who has personally experienced it
sb or sth detested by all; target of scorn; anathema; cf. 老鼠過街,人人喊打|老鼠过街,人人喊打[lao3 shu3 guo4 jie1 , ren2 ren2 han3 da3]
however; only; just; merely; nothing but; no more (than); but; anyway (to get back to a previous topic)
(of a meteor etc) to streak across (the sky); (of a searchlight, lightning etc) to play across (the sky)
via; to pass through; to get past; to traverse; to adopt; to pass (a bill, etc); to carry; by means of; by way of; through
(to feel) sad; (to be) upset; (to feel) sorry; (to be) grieved; (to feel) unwell; (to be) undisposed; difficult; hard
to get away with it; to slip through; to bluff one's way out; Taiwan pr. [meng1 hun4 guo4 guan1]
to accept criticism gladly (humble expr.); to be happy when one's errors are pointed out
(lit.) to grab feathers from a flying goose; (fig.) to seize any opportunity; pragmatic
to face the wall and ponder about one's misdeeds; to stand in the corner (punishment); (fig.) to examine one's conscience
(lit.) crossing the river by feeling for stones; improvise by trial-and-error; move cautiously
a person of great moral stature does not remember the offenses committed by one of low moral stature
Idioms (30)
(lit.) to destroy the bridge after crossing the river (idiom); (fig.) to abandon one's benefactor upon achieving one's goal
(lit.) to cross five passes and slay six generals (idiom); (fig.) to surmount all difficulties (on the way to success)
past this village, you won't find this shop (idiom); this is your last chance
satisfied just to get through (idiom); to muddle through; without high ambitions, but getting by
to correct in the evening a fault of the morning (idiom); to quickly amend one's ways
to cross the sea by a trick (idiom); to achieve one's aim by underhanded means
to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate; to push sth too far the other way; (fig.) inverse discrimination
to over-correct a defect (idiom); to over-compensate; to push sth too far the other way; (fig.) inverse discrimination
sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom); see also 雨过天青
sky clears after rain; new hopes after a disastrous period (idiom); every cloud has a silver lining (idiom); see also 雨过天晴
to wade the river by groping for stones (idiom); to advance step by step; to feel one's way around
not to be inferior in any aspects (idiom); to surpass; to outdo; (derog.) to be even worse
to regard decapitation as no more important than the wind blowing off your hat (idiom)
even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman (idiom)
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